Thursday, 28 July 2011

Moving On...

Hello fellow crafters, this is going to be my last blog for a few weeks as I'm moving on Saturday and we're not going to get the phone put in until the 8th August (grr BT!!!) I shall be busy unpacking and making the final preparations for the wedding once I move so I'm not sure when I'll be able to blog again. :..(
Hopefully it won't be too long and I hope to give you a grand tour of my "crudy" (craft/study room) once I've got it organised - I admit that after the bedroom and the kitchen it will be my priority just so I have a little haven to escape to when things get too much. I've lived on my own for nearly 20 years and as much as I love Chris I'm finding the prospect of spending 24/7 with him to be a little daunting. Still have loads to pack and time is getting short, so until we meet again - happy crafting everyone! Big hugs Sarah aka woo woo girl xxx


  1. I had to chuckle at you writing about living on your own for 20 years and the prospect of sharing your space with another person is a little daunting.

    It will take a little work, some give and take, old comfy habits will be altered to remain comfy and not totally gone. You two will be fine. Won't be long before you think of your old single life and wonder why you waited so long :-)

    Look forward to hearing from you once again when your life returns to semi normal :-) Enjoy your wedding, call in your friends to help you move, have fun with mingling "his" stuff with "her" stuff.

    You are on the brink of an awesome adventure :-) Don't leap off the cliff, just enjoy the view with your soon to be husband.

    Take care my friend - Leslie

  2. Just checking in on my newly wed friend to see how you are doing :-) Has the moving and upheaval in your daily routine settled down so you can breath once again?

    Take care my friend - Leslie
